A dedicated journal indexing team is working to include all of our journals in reputed indexing services or journal evaluation services or catalogue or reference citations, etc. Authors should cross-check the authenticity of claims of indexing before submitting to any publisher (including our journal). We strongly encourage authors to take 'informed decision' before submission of any manuscript. In order to help the authors to take 'informed decision', we are providing web-links/proofs beside most of our claims of indexing or journal evaluation services. In addition, authors should visit the official site of the indexing organization or journal evaluation services before submitting any manuscript. We hope scholarly communities will appreciate our efforts to maintain integrity and transparency.
1. Index Copernicus ICV: 94.48 (Proof: http://bit.ly/index-copernicus-ajocs)
2. CNKI (China)
3. Publons (Part of Clarivate Analytics) (Only for Reviewer Recognition)
4. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS, American Chemical Society)
5. The Keepers Registry (Proof: https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2456-7795)
6. ScienceOpen (Proof: https://bit.ly/ScienceOpen-AJOCS)
7. JournalTOCS (Proof: https://bit.ly/JournalTOCS-AJOCS)
8. Google Scholar
9. Scite Index (2021):
Link: https://scite.ai/journals/asian-journal-of-chemical-sciences-Qe6Ew
10. Scilit
11. CrossRef (https://doi.org/10.9734/AJOCS)
12. SHERPA/RoMEO (UK) (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/index.php)
13. Journalseek (http://journalseek.net/)
14. Citefactor (https://www.citefactor.org/)
15. WorldCAT (https://www.worldcat.org/)
16. ResearchGate
17. ACADEMIA (https://www.academia.edu)
18. iSEEK (http://education.iseek.com/iseek/home.page)
19. Semanticscholar
20. Exaly
21. RefSEEK (https://www.refseek.com/)
22. WorldWideScience (https://worldwidescience.org/)
23. Bielefeld Academic Search (https://www.base-search.net/)
26. Analytical sciences digital library
27. CiteSeerX (https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu)
28. INSPIRE-HEP (http://inspirehep.net/?ln=en)
29. Mendeley
30. OAIster
31. OpenSIGLE
32. Paperity
33. RePEc
34. SSRN
35. CORE (https://core.ac.uk/)
36. Baidu Scholar
37. Sparrho (https://www.sparrho.com/)