2020 - Volume 8 [Issue 3]

Original Research Article

Evaluation of Nutritional Fact and Study of Various Physico-chemical Parameters of Black, Green and Red Grapes Samples in the Local Fruit Market

Patil Pandurang N., Amani Ahmaed Al- Aamri, Zahra Abdullah Al- Rubkhi, Aida Salim Al Abri

DOI: 10.9734/ajocs/2020/v8i319041

Page: 1-8

LC-ESI/MS and GC-MS Methanol Extract Analysis, Phytochemical and Antimicrobial Activity Studies of Centella asiatica

Daniel A. Ondeko, Bernard F. Juma, Lilechi D. Baraza, Peter K. Nyongesa

DOI: 10.9734/ajocs/2020/v8i319046

Page: 32-51

Chemical and Microbiological Assessment of Aadun Produced from Varying Proportions of Maize and Plantain Blends

F. O. Ibitoye, T. R. Elehinafe, O. Y. Komolafe, A. R. Osaloni

DOI: 10.9734/ajocs/2020/v8i319047

Page: 52-59

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